2012年6月5日 星期二

A Carved Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade "Linking Clouds" Royal Dragon Pendant 206 B.C. - A.D. 25 Western Han Dynasty China 西元前206年至西元25年中國西漢朝時期 "古羊脂白玉透空圓雕漢朝皇室用勾連雲紋龍形珮"

A Carved Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade
"Linking Clouds" Royal Dragon Pendant
206 B.C. - A.D. 25 Western Han Dynasty China
H 4.4 x W 6.7 x D 1 cm 56 grams


This fine work of art was carved with extremely smooth "His Imperial Majesty Dignity of Han Emperor's Family and an Appearance of King's Family" by the excellent imperial jade carving master in Western Han Dynasty China. This is absolutely not to be done and copied by modern carvings.

此精美藝術品具備西漢玉工所雕 "皇室家族尊貴威嚴與王者家族氣度神韻" 之極度流暢王玉工藝, 絕非近現代玉工所能完成和仿制之.

A Carved Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade "Linking Clouds" Royal Dragon Pendant 206 B.C. - A.D. 25 Western Han Dynasty China H 4.4 x W 6.7 x D 1 cm 56 g

西元前206年至西元25年中國西漢朝時期 "古羊脂白玉透空圓雕漢朝皇室用勾連雲紋龍形珮"

Size and Weight (尺寸及重量):  高 H 4.4 x 寬 W 6.7 x 厚 D 1 cm 56 公克 g
年代: 西元前206年至西元25年中國西漢朝時期


The carvings of this beautiful work of art in Western Han Dynasty China by Archaic Mutton Fat White Jade (Ancient Old Jade) were still quite primitive and not made by modern machine tools, but using the popular "Handmade Penetrating Round Volume Sculpture Carvings" in ancient China. The carving techniques of this work of art were made simply, clearly, skillfully, and smoothly upon a thick and solid jade, and the incised feminine totem lines of linking clouds in flowers and double parallel lines were all the popular jade carving techniques and decoration totems used in Western Han Dynasty China. Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade was the only privilege of ancient Emperors' family.

This work of art has also very clear and apparent slight yellow loess soakage color in the skin as the aged Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade in ancient China. Thus it’s "True Authenticity"!

Jades are beautiful semi-translucent precious stones that are denser than other stones and characterized by shiny, smooth, heavy surfaces and distinct sounds when knocked on. The beautiful characteristics of this work of art have lead to its value as a wonderful decorative keepsake, as well as a great collection for investment, due to the fact that the Archaic Jade (Ancient Old Jade) grows in value as it ages.

"Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade" was the gem class jade of best quality in Han Dynasty China. But the modern people have never seen it before. It was the only privilege of ancient Emperors' family in Han Dynasty China. The work of art made by this jade was left scarcely and has been seen rarely in this world. Its color is as that of sheep fat and has oily shining luster. Its inner jade muscular tissue contents have semi-boiled rice phenomena existing in the natural ancient archaic old jades. Nevertheless the jades those were carved in Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, and Modern China have no such phenomena. It looks like foggy translucent due to oily mutton fat appearance, while white jade looks different in this respect. Its oily white shining luster is seen with slight yellow light. It's oily and solid, translucent and clean, white and without cracks, just like solidified sheep mutton fat. Its skin has no deceiving glass light, thus can be slightly varied after the long-term wear attached to human skin by its owner.

此西元前206年至西元25年中國西漢朝時期的古羊脂白玉雕美麗藝術品, 其雕刻仍然甚為原始! 並非是使用現代的機械工具, 而是利用中國古代的 "手工透空圓雕法". 此 "古羊脂白玉透空圓雕漢朝皇室用勾連雲紋龍形珮" 之雕琢厚實, 簡練, 流暢, 其陰線花式勾連雲紋與雙平行線紋皆為中國西漢朝時期的常用玉雕技法與紋飾, 且羊脂白玉為中國古代皇帝家族之特權專用玉, 而此工藝品之玉皮上, 亦具備有非常清楚與明顯的中國古老羊脂白玉黃土微沁色, 故為真正.

"玉" 為美麗半透光的貴重石頭. 具有表面光亮平滑, 手感沉重, 其密度與比重皆較其它石頭為大, 輕敲時聲音清脆悅耳的特性. 此件藝術品的美麗特質, 使它的價值適合作為一件奇妙的裝飾用紀念品,或是一件投資性的大收藏品. 因為 "古玉雕" 的價值,事實上就如同它的古老年齡一般,年紀愈老,價值愈增.

"羊脂白玉" 為中國漢朝時期玉中寶石級極品, 但現代人卻從未見過, 為漢朝皇帝家族專用玉, 存世極為稀少, 亦極為罕見. 此玉色若羊脂, 具油脂性光澤, 玉之肌裡有天然古玉的飯滲現象, 而明清及現代玉則無. 因水頭足而呈霧狀之半透明狀, 此點與白玉略有不同. 油脂光澤白色中則透出微微黃色, 溫潤堅密, 瑩透純淨, 潔白無瑕, 如同凝脂. 玉皮無玻璃賊光, 皮色可因主人之長期盤玉而起微微變化.

This fine work of art (H 4.4 x W 6.7 x D 1 cm 56 g) was carved with the same "Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade" as that used in "Western Han Queen's Seal" (H 2 x W 2.8 x D 2.8 cm 33 grams ) collected by Shaanxi History Museum, Shaanxi Province, China.

Even if the "Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily White Jade" (also named as "Archaic Mutton Fat White Jade") has been buried in the water and earth for more than 2000 years, it is only slightly soaked in skin parts and still the same smooth, shiny, oily as before due to its solid and dense quality. This is its very precious value never to be broken over thousands of years and the main reason why it is classified as gem class valuable precious stone.

The "Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade Carved Western Han Queen's Seal" (Weight 33 g) collected by Shaanxi History Museum, Shaanxi Province, China, and this "Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade Carved Western Han Dynasty Linking Clouds Royal Dragon Pendant", both have been buried in the water and earth for more than 2000 years, but they are only slightly soaked in skin parts and still the same smooth, shiny, oily as before due to its solid and dense quality. This proves their very precious value never to be broken over thousands of years and the main reason why the works of art carved by Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade have been always classified as gem class valuable national treasures.

This work of art has incidentally been soaked in its tail skin part to become "dark brown". Thus it's also a very beautiful jade carved work of art with rather rare "Wonderful and Amazing Soakage - An Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade Carved Lovely Sheep Horn Dragon with Dark Brown Tail" existing in the world nowadays.

The reasons why the “Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade” is classified as gem class valuable precious stone and the works of art carved by this jade have been always classified as gem class valuable national treasures are as follows:

(1) Never to be destroyed in the water and earth even buried for thousands of years: The hardness, solidness and firmness of the “Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade” are better than steel, iron, and other kinds of jades. The discovered ones prove that even if having been buried in the water and earth for 2000 years, they are still the same smooth, shiny, oily as before with the same sheep fatlike oily luster as their original carvings, and never to be destroyed. These jades are really the best research and development objects of the material engineering science in the world.

(2) The beautiful characteristic semi-translucent nature shown like the changeable skin color of a lizard: Due to their natural semi-translucent character, once these jades are placed in front of backgrounds of different colors, the gorgeous colors shown by these jades are to be changed accordingly. Thus they are amazingly beautiful!

(3) Scarcity of discovery, dense and tiny cubic volume, nevertheless bigger than diamond, can be carved into fine works of art by ancient Chinese: The formation of the “Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jade” is under the same pressure coefficient from the crust of the earth as diamond on account of its solid and dense characters. Thus these jades are scarce and rare with dense and tiny cubic volume. Nevertheless they are still bigger than diamonds. Diamonds are not to be carved into fine works of art in different shapes full of variety by mankind, but these jades can be done. These archaic jades prove that even 2000 years ago, ancient Chinese had already developed the high technology to carve these extremely firm and hard “Archaic Sheep-Fat-Oily Mutton Fat White Jades” into fine and beautiful works of art for the Imperial Emperor to appreciate the art.

(4) The Legend and Myth Stories of Jade Carved Works of Art done for thousands of years are always forever and forever to Chinese, and never to be ended: In ancient society of China, lots of Legend and Myth Stories of Jade Carved Works of Art done for thousands of years, such as their protections upon their owner mater's body good health, their collections of good lucks and fortunes in behalf of their owner master,...etc, have generally provoked Chinese directly to take great interests in the Jade Carved Works of Art owned by the ancient imperial royal family of the Emperor thousands of years ago. This is the so-called Chinese psychological historical affections upon these Archaic Ancient Old Jades that have been done for thousands of years.

(5) Due to their extremely valuable prices, nevertheless in very tiny cubic volume, easy to be carried by human body in transit and easy to be concealed or hidden from enemies, not to be damaged over thousands of years, have made these Jade Carved Works of Art to become the best haven investment commodity in ancient China: In ancient China, the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty ever tried to exchange his 15 cities for a famous Jade carved work of art called He-Shi-Bi from the Nation Zhao in the historical record. This proves that the Archaic Ancient Old Jades that have been done for thousands of years have been always the substitutes for the most valuable and expensive, high end, strongest currency since the ancient times until now. They are shaped into very tiny cubic volume, easy to be carried by human body in transit and easy to be concealed or hidden from enemies, as well as not to be damaged over thousands of years. Thus these inherent natural features have benefited these Jade Carved Works of Art that have been done for thousands of years to become the best haven investment commodity in ancient China, no matter when it was in peaceful or warring times.

此精美工藝品 (高 4.4 x 寬 6.7 x 厚 1 公分 cm 56 公克 g) 係使用與中國陝西省陜西歷史博物館的館藏 "西漢皇后之璽" (高 2 x 寬 2.8 x 厚 2.8 公分 cm 33 公克 g) 相同之 "羊脂白玉" 所刻成.

 "羊脂白玉" 縱使被浸泡在水土中保持 2000 餘年, 因其質地硬密, 也只是皮色微沁, 卻溫潤如初, 這就是它千年不壞的可貴之處, 也正是它屬寶石級的貴重價值所在之主要原因.

中國陝西省陜西歷史博物館的館藏 "古羊脂白玉雕西漢皇后之璽 (重 33 g 公克)" 與此件 "古羊脂白玉透空圓雕漢朝皇室用勾連雲紋龍形珮 (重 56 g 公克)" 皆為入土 2000 餘年, 因質地硬密, 也只是皮色微沁, 卻溫潤如初, 充分證明羊脂白玉千年不壞的可貴之處及其藝術品皆被當作是寶石級珍貴國寶的主要原因.

而此精美工藝品剛好在 "龍尾端" 之一部皮色微沁成 "深棕色", 成為現今存世極為罕見的 "巧沁色 - 羊脂白色的可愛玉羊角龍帶著深棕色的龍尾端" 玉製品.


(1) 入土千年不毀壞: 古羊脂白玉之堅硬及強韌度遠勝過鋼鐵與其他類玉種, 出土古羊脂白玉證明其入土 2000 餘年卻仍然溫潤如初, 油脂光澤如故, 並未毀壞, 是世界上材料工程科學的最佳研究開發目標.

(2) 如蜥蝪變色龍般的半透明天然美麗特質: 因為古羊脂白玉是天然半透明的, 所以當背景色系變化時, 古羊脂白玉所顯示的天然絢麗色彩亦隨著變化, 令人驚歎不已.

(3) 數量稀少, 體積不大, 卻比鑽石大, 可供古代中國人雕琢成精美藝術品: 古羊脂白玉之形成, 因質地硬密, 其所承受之地殼壓力係數係相當於鑽石, 因此數量稀少, 體積不大. 但鑽石無法如玉石般供人類雕琢成各式各樣形狀不同之精美藝術品, 而古羊脂白玉證明 2000 年前的中國人已經具備有高度工藝技術將堅硬強軔無比的古羊脂白玉雕琢成精美藝術品供皇帝鑑賞.

(4) 中國人對於 "千年古玉" 的神話與傳奇故事為歷久彌新, 永不毀滅: 中國古代社會裡傳說中的各種 "千年古玉" 的神話與傳奇故事, 包含保護主人的身體健康與帶來主人的好心情及好運勢等等, 皆直接促使中國人對於古代皇室家族所持有的 "千年古玉" 為特別地情有所鍾, 此即為中國人對 "千年古玉" 的迷思心理情結.

(5) 因價值特別昂貴, 卻體積很小, 便於貼身攜帶及藏匿, 不易毀壞, 為古代之最佳保值投資性避風港商品: 中國古代秦國秦始皇曾有欲以15座城市交換趙國之和氏璧玉器藝術品的歷史記錄. 足以證明, 千年古玉藝術品自古至今即為雲端強勢昂貴鉅量貨幣的代替品. 因體積甚小, 便於隨身攜帶與藏匿, 他人不易察覺, 卻又千年不易毀損, 故為古代不論是平時或是戰亂時期的最佳保值投資性避風港商品.

99 Paintings 書畫 12 Antiques 古董
99 Fine Chinese Paintings and 12 Antiques in 2013
2013 年 99 幅中國書畫及 12 件古董精品

Chinese Painters 中國畫家:
(1) 張大千 Zhang Daqian 张大千 (32 幅/pcs)
(2) 齊白石 Qi Baishi 齐白石 (10 幅/pcs)
(3) 徐悲鴻 Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿 (8 幅/pcs)
(4) 吳冠中 Wu Guanzhong 吴冠中 (7 幅/pcs)
(5) 傅抱石 Fu Baoshi 傅抱石 (3 幅/pcs)
(6) 李可染 Li Keran 李可染 (1 幅/pc)
(7) 陸儼少 Lu Yanshao 陆俨少 (1 幅/pc)
(8) 黃冑 Huang Zhou 黃冑 (1 幅/pc)
(9) 黃賓虹 Huang Binhong 黄宾虹 (3 幅/pcs)
(10) 吳昌碩 Wu Changshuo 吴昌硕 (1 幅/pc)
(11) 林風眠 Lin Fengmian 林风眠 (4 幅/pcs)
(12) 吳湖帆 Wu Hufan 吴湖帆 (4 幅/pcs)
(13) 謝稚柳 Xie Zhiliu 谢稚柳 (1 幅/pc)
(14) 黃君璧 Huang Junbi 黄君璧 (2 幅/pc)
(15) 愛新覺羅 溥儒 Pu Ru 溥心畬 Pu Xinyu (1 幅/pc)
(16) 唐雲 Tang Yun 唐云 (1 幅/pc)
(17) 趙少昂 Zhao Shao’Ang 赵少昂 (3 幅/pcs)
(18) 何海霞 He Haixia 何海霞 (1 幅/pc)
(19) 關山月 Guan Shanyue 关山月 (1 幅/pc)
(20) 豐子愷 Feng Zikai 丰子恺 (1 幅/pc)
(21) 顏伯龍 Yan Bolong 颜伯龙 (4 幅/pcs)
(22) 愛新覺羅溥佐 Aisin Gioro Pu Zuo (1 幅/pc)
(23) 高逸鴻 Gao Yihong 高逸鸿 (1 幅/pc)
(24) 田世光 Tian Shiguang 田世光 (1 幅/pc)
(25) 袁松年 Yuan Songnian 袁松年 (1 幅/pc)
(26) 高奇峰 Gao Qifeng 高奇峰 (1 幅/pc)
(27) 陳之佛 Chen Zhifo 陈之佛 (1 幅/pc)
(28) 陳半丁 Chen Banding 陈半丁 (1 幅/pc)
(29) 馮超然 Feng Chaoran 冯超然 (1 幅/pc)
(30) 鄭板橋 Zheng Banqiao 郑板桥 (1 幅/pc)

Works of Art 藝術品:
(1) 古董 Antiques (2 件/pcs)
(2) 玉 Jades (8 件/pcs)
(3) 羊脂白玉 Mutton Fat White Jades (2 件/pcs)

99 Paintings 書畫 12 Antiques 古董

Works of Art List 藝術作品名錄

Paintings 書畫作品

Chinese Painters 中國畫家:

(1) 張大千 Zhang Daqian 张大千 (32 幅/pcs)
1. Zhang Daqian Happy Birthday to Chairman Chang Kaishek of the Government inscribed by Yu Youren 張大千作于右任題大觀高仕祝壽圖手卷
2. Zhang Daqian After the Rising and Warm Green Mountains by Huang Gongwang with Calligraphy 張大千作擬元代黃公望浮巒暖翠山水圖及書法立軸
3. Zhang Daqian Splashed Landscape Fuchun Mountain 張大千作富春山居潑彩山水圖
4. Zhang Daqian Mountain Emei May Be Crossed On Top 張大千作可以橫絕峨嵋巔潑彩山水圖
5. Zhang Daqian A Bird’s-eye View on Taiwan Cross-Island Road near Herhuan 張大千作台灣橫貫公路合歡山鳥瞰金碧潑彩山水圖
6. Zhang Daqian 18 Luohan Disciples Appointed to Witness to Buddhist Truth handscroll 張大千作十八羅漢圖手卷
7. Zhang Daqian The Dreamland of Mountain Qingcheng in Heavenly Place 張大千作夢入靑城天下幽人間仙境圖
8. Zhang Daqian The Heavenly Place in Mankind World 張大千作人家在仙堂潑彩山水圖
9. Zhang Daqian Sun is Rising and Darkness is Fallen allover the Mountain with Calligraphy 張大千作天開影墮潑彩山水圖及書法對聯
10. Zhang Daqian Painting the Elder Bintourlu after Technique of Song Dynasty 張大千作倣宋人畫賓頭盧尊者像
11. Zhang Daqian Listening to the Springs below the Mountains handscroll 張大千作山水生風聽泉入山麓金碧潑彩山水圖手卷
12. Zhang Daqian Waterfall in a Quiet Mountain Valley with Calligraphy 張大千作幽谷飛瀑潑彩山水圖及書法對聯
13. Zhang Daqian Recalling the Beautiful Scenery of Mountain Huang in China 張大千作遙思黃山故景潑彩山水圖
14. Zhang Daqian Splashed Colour Landscape of Beautiful Mountain Qingcheng 張大千作青城天下幽潑彩山水圖
15. Zhang Daqian Golden Outline Red Lotus and a Flying Bird 張大千作香清鈎金紅荷翔鳥圖
16. Zhang Daqian One Flower in One World White Lotus and attached calligraphy 張大千作一花一世界白荷花圖及書法立軸
17. Zhang Daqian Lady with a Fan Bamboos Parrot Hairpin in Tang’s Clothes 張大千作仿莫高窟初唐人衣飾鸚鵡簪髮飾新篁紈扇仕女圖
18. Zhang Daqian Beauty in Red Hair-kerchief Wooden Shoes White Robe Bamboos 張大千作脩竹紅髮巾木屐白袍裸肩日本美女圖
19. Zhang Daqian Han Changli Composed a Lyric Poem Derived from Chu Dynasty 張大千作韓昌黎作楚語圖
20. Zhang Daqian Scholars Appreciating Maples 張大千作高仕賞楓圖
21. Zhang Daqian Black Cloud Covering on Top of Mt. Emei among Blue Cloud 張大千作可以橫絕峨眉巔黑雲滿布山頂藍雲環繞山間奇景潑墨兼潑彩山水圖
22. Zhang Daqian Dwelling in the Mountain by the Lake Wuting 張大千作五亭湖上山居潑彩山水圖
23. Zhang Daqian Spring Cloud and Morning Mist dated 1979 張大千1979年作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖
24. Zhang Daqian Spring Cloud and Morning Mist dated 1965 張大千1965年作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖
25. Zhang Daqian Impressionistic Red Lotus 張大千作寫意紅荷圖
26. Zhang Daqian Golden Outlined Red Lotus and Double Mandarin Ducks 張大千作愛清氣鈎金紅荷花鴛鴦嘉耦潑彩圖
27. Zhang Daqian High Mountain and Deep Cloud 張大千作山高雲深山水圖
28. Zhang Daqian Golden Outlined Landscape 張大千作金碧山水圖
29. Zhang Daqian Lady with a Fan and Bamboos in Splashed Colors 張大千作潑彩竹葉紈扇仕女圖
30. Zhang Daqian Seven Character Calligraphy Couplet 張大千作七言書法對聯
31. Zhang Daqian Six Character Calligraphy Couplet 張大千作六言書法對聯
32. Zhang Daqian Splashed Color Golden Outlined Red Lotus on Gold Sheet 張大千作金箋潑彩描金紅荷花圖

(2) 齊白石 Qi Baishi 齐白石 (10 幅/pcs)
1. Qi Baishi Lotus Fish Frogs Shrimps and Crabs handscroll inscribed by Zhang Daqian 齊白石作張大千題香清荷花魚蛙蝦蟹圖手卷
2. Qi Baishi The Ten Elder Men in the Legend of China 齊白石作十全老人神賢圖
3. Qi Baishi Lotus Double Mandarin Ducks and Love Shrimps 齊白石作荷花鴛鴦雙蝦佳偶圖
4. Qi Baishi Wealth and Powerful Honour are Both to Come 齊白石作富貴有期圖
5. Qi Baishi Lotus and Shrimps 齊白石作荷花群蝦圖
6. Qi Baishi A Lotus Pond and Shrimps 齊白石作荷花池塘群蝦圖
7. Qi Baishi A Spring Voice and Great Luck 齊白石作春聲大吉圖
8. Qi Baishi Eagle Perching on the Pine 齊白石作松鷹圖
9. Qi Baishi Prolonging Life Impressionistic Squirrel on Pine Red Peach Double Screens 齊白石作寫意松樹上松鼠與紅桃益壽圖對屏

(3) 徐悲鴻 Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿 (8 幅/pcs)
1. Xu Beihong The Hard Water Drawing of the People Lived in Chongqing handscroll inscribed by Zhang Daqian 徐悲鴻作張大千題巴人汲水圖手卷
2. Xu Beihong Jiufang Gao People in the Chinese Ancient Historical Poem 徐悲鴻作九方皋圖
3. Xu Beihong People in Chinese Ancient Historical Poem of Six Dynasties 徐悲鴻作六朝人詩意圖
4. Xu Beihong China the Wounded Lion Sat Watching American Flying Tiger 徐悲鴻作中國負傷之獅遙望美國飛虎飛將軍
5. Xu Beihong Lions and Snake 徐悲鴻作獅與蛇
6. Xu Beihong The Single Flying Eagle and the Lion 徐悲鴻作獨飛老鷹與獅子圖
7. Xu Beihong Lion and Eagle 徐悲鴻作獅子老鷹圖
8. Xu Beihong Prolonging Life Auspicious Cranes Ganoderma Lucidum Fungus 徐悲鴻作祥鶴靈芝延年益壽圖
(4) 吳冠中 Wu Guanzhong 吴冠中 (7 幅/pcs)
1. Wu Guanzhong The People Live in Mali Village 吳冠中作馬里村頭人物風景圖
2. Wu Guanzhong The Dwellings by the River and Mountain in Southern China 吳冠中作江南民居風景圖
3. Wu Guanzhong The Lion Grove Garden (Lion Woods) 吳冠中作獅子林
4. Wu Guanzhong The Wu Gorge 吳冠中作巫峽魂
5. Wu Guanzhong Rocks by the Sea 吳冠中作海滨石
6. Wu Guanzhong The Single-Log Bridge 吳冠中作獨木橋
7. Wu Guanzhong Expressionistic Lotus 吳冠中作表現主義的荷花
(5) 傅抱石 Fu Baoshi 傅抱石 (3 幅/pcs)
1. Fu Baoshi Hwan Shyua Showed Painting to Guests in East Jin Dynasty handscroll inscribed by Yu Youren 傅抱石作于右任題詩入畫中桓玄出畫圖手卷
2. Fu Baoshi The Nine Elders of the Poetry by Bai Juyi in Tang Dynasty handscroll inscribed by Xu Beihong 傅抱石作徐悲鴻題元氣淋漓九老圖手卷
3. Fu Baoshi Premier Xie An Brought Beauties to the East Shan Mountain handscroll inscribed by Xie Zhiliu 傅抱石作謝稚柳題春風綠揚東山攜妓圖手卷
(6) 李可染 Li Keran 李可染 (1 幅/pc)
1. Li Keran The Landscape of River Li being Well-known Forever 李可染作漓江山水傳千古圖
(7) 陸儼少 Lu Yanshao 陆俨少 (1 幅/pc)
1. Lu Yanshao Spring and Rocks Landscape of Mountain Yandang 陸儼少作雁蕩泉石山水圖
(8) 黃冑 Huang Zhou 黃冑 (1 幅/pc)
1. Huang Zhou The Children and Father Sitting on the Back of Camels 黃冑作駱駝背上的小學生與父親
(9) 黃賓虹 Huang Binhong 黄宾虹 (3 幅/pcs)
1. Huang Binhong Landscape 黃賓虹作山水圖
2. Huang Binhong Landscape Hanging Scroll (1) 黃賓虹作山水圖立軸(1)
3. Huang Binhong Landscape Hanging Scroll (2) 黃賓虹作山水圖立軸(2)
(10) 吳昌碩 Wu Changshuo 吴昌硕 (1 幅/pc)
1. Wu Changshuo Annual Purely Floral and Fruity Tributes 吳昌碩作歲朝清供圖
(11) 林風眠 Lin Fengmian 林风眠 (4 幅/pcs)
1. Lin Fengmian Five Naked Ladies 林風眠作五裸女圖
2. Lin Fengmian Two Beautiful Ladies and the Vase 林風眠作二美與花瓶圖
3. Lin Fengmian Three Beautiful Ladies and the Vase 林風眠作三美與花瓶圖
4. Lin Fengmian Court Ladies and the Vase 林風眠作宮女與花瓶圖
(12) 吳湖帆 Wu Hufan 吴湖帆 (4 幅/pcs)
1. Wu Hufan Dwelling in the Mountains handscroll inscribed by Xie Zhiliu 吳湖帆作謝稚柳題春風綠揚枝山居圖手卷
2. Wu Hufan Dwelling in the Mountains 吳湖帆作山居圖
3. Wu Hufan Landscape after Zhao Mengfu 吳湖帆作擬趙孟頫山水圖
4. Wu Hufan Seven Character Calligraphy Couplet 吳湖帆作七言書法對聯
(13) 謝稚柳 Xie Zhiliu 谢稚柳 (1 幅/pc)
1. Xie Zhiliu Landscape in Windy Spirit 謝稚柳作生風抖擻山水圖
(14) 黃君璧 Huang Junbi 黄君璧 (2 幅/pc)
1. Huang Junbi High Mountains and Flowing Waters Landscape 黃君璧作高山流水山水圖 (鏡片 mounted)
2. Huang Junbi High Mountains and Flowing Waters Landscape 黃君璧作高山流水山水圖 (立軸 hanging scroll)
(15) 愛新覺羅 溥儒 Pu Ru 溥心畬 Pu Xinyu (1 幅/pc)
1. Pu Ru Green Mountain and White Cloud handscroll inscribed by Zhang Daqian 溥儒作張大千題青山白雲山水圖手卷
(16) 唐雲 Tang Yun 唐云 (1 幅/pc)
1. Tang Yun Birds and Flowers 唐雲作花鳥圖

(17) 趙少昂 Zhao Shao’Ang 赵少昂 (3 幅/pcs)
1. Zhao Shao’Ang Flowers and Bird Double Screen 趙少昂作花鳥圖對屏
2. Zhao Shao’Ang Tall Willow Tree Morning Cicada Bamboos and Little Bird 趙少昂作高柳曉蟬竹葉小鳥圖
(18) 何海霞 He Haixia 何海霞 (1 幅/pc)
1. He Haixia Landscape 何海霞作山水圖

(19) 關山月 Guan Shanyue 关山月 (1 幅/pc)
1. Guan Shanyue Spring is coming to Southern Guangdong Landscape 關山月作春到南粵山水圖
(20) 豐子愷 Feng Zikai 丰子恺 (1 幅/pc)
1. Feng Zikai A Small Table Three Friends and Plum Blossoms 豐子愷作小桌三朋梅花圖
(21) 顏伯龍 Yan Bolong 颜伯龙 (4 幅/pcs)
1. Yan Bolong Colorful Birds Flowers and Plants Four Screens 顏伯龍作彩鳥與花草小樹圖四條屏
(22) 愛新覺羅溥佐 Aisin Gioro Pu Zuo (1 幅/pc)
1. Aisin Gioro Pu Zuo Two Beautiful Horses 愛新覺羅溥佐作雙駿馬圖
(23) 高逸鴻 Gao Yihong 高逸鸿 (1 幅/pc)
1. Gao Yihong Beautiful Flowers Attracting Bees 高逸鴻作群花爭艷招蜂圖
(24) 田世光 Tian Shiguang 田世光 (1 幅/pc)
1. Tian Shiguang Flowers and Birds 田世光作花鳥圖
(25) 袁松年 Yuan Songnian 袁松年 (1 幅/pc)
1. Yuan Songnian Landscape 袁松年作山水圖
(26) 高奇峰 Gao Qifeng 高奇峰 (1 幅/pc)
1. Gao Qifeng Flowers and Bamboos 高奇峰作花竹圖
(27) 陳之佛 Chen Zhifo 陈之佛 (1 幅/pc)
1. Chen Zhifo Wild Geese under Willow Shadow 陳之佛作柳蔭雁鴨圖
(28) 陳半丁 Chen Banding 陈半丁 (1 幅/pc)
1. Chen Banding Flowers and Birds 陳半丁 ( 陳年 ) 作花鳥圖
(29) 馮超然 Feng Chaoran 冯超然 (1 幅/pc)
1. Feng Chaoran Landscape 馮超然作山水圖
(30) 鄭板橋 Zheng Banqiao 郑板桥 (1 幅/pc)
1. Zheng Banqiao Orchids Bamboos and Rocks 鄭板橋作蘭竹石圖

Works of Art 藝術品:

Antiques 古董
(1) 古董 Antiques (2 件/pcs)
1. A Bronze Money-Shaking Fortune Tree Qing Dynasty China 中國清朝青銅搖錢樹
2. A Gilt-Bronze Guanyin Bodhisattva Figure Tang Dynasty China 中國唐朝銅鎏金觀音菩薩造像
(2) 玉 Jades (8 件/pcs)
1. A White Jade Pig-and-Bird-Winged Dragon Winged Mythical Beast Hongshan Culture China 中國紅山文化古白玉雕豬鳥翼形龍
2. A White Jade Persian Face Elephant Puzzle Han Dynasty China 中國漢朝古玉雕波斯人面大象紋益智拼圖
3. A Green Jade Sword Token of Imperial Authority by Emperor Shang Dynasty China 中國商朝古青玉雕玉劍令牌
4. A Jade Fish Wine-Cup Western Zhou Dynasty China 中國西周古玉雕魚形酒杯
5. A Red Jade Military Token Qing Dynasty China 中國清朝古紅玉雕軍事玉令牌
6. A White Jade Cavalrymen War Horses Halberds of Middle Sizes Militarism Worship Cong of the First Emperor of Qin 中國東周戰國至秦朝時期古白玉雕騎兵戰馬中戟紋秦始皇帝崇武玉琮
7. A Pale Celadon Greenish White Jade Linking Nipple Grain Phoenix Twisted Ropes Heaven Worship Bi of Nation Chu 中國東周戰國時期古青白玉淺浮雕勾連乳丁穀紋鳳紋扭繩紋楚國祭天玉璧
8. A Celadon Green Jade Twisted Ropes Triple Sitting Hornless Dragons Green-Dragon-Son-of-Heaven Pendant 中國西周時期古青玉雕扭繩紋三盤螭龍青龍天子珮
(3) 羊脂白玉 Mutton Fat White Jades (2 件/pcs)
1. A Mutton Fat White Jade Linking Clouds Royal Dragon Pendant Western Han Dynasty China 中國西漢古羊脂白玉透空圓雕勾連雲紋龍形珮
2. A Coincident Carved Khotan Russet Skin Mutton Fat White Jade Sitting Double-humped Camel Western Han Dynasty China 中國西漢和闐黑棗皮古羊脂白玉巧雕坐姿雙峯駱駝

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參考文字 Reference Words :
張大千 Zhang Daqian 张大千 齊白石 Qi Baishi 齐白石 徐悲鴻 Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿 吳冠中 Wu Guanzhong 吴冠中 傅抱石 Fu Baoshi 傅抱石 李可染 Li Keran 李可染 陸儼少 Lu Yanshao 陆俨少 黃冑 Huang Zhou 黃冑 趙無極 Zao Wou-ki 赵无极 黃賓虹 Huang Binhong 黄宾虹 吳昌碩 Wu Changshuo 吴昌硕 林風眠 Lin Fengmian 林风眠 曾梵志 Zeng Fanzhi 曾梵志 范曾 Fan Zeng 范曾 王蒙 Wang Meng 王蒙 吳湖帆 Wu Hufan 吴湖帆 王翬 Wang Hui 王翚 謝稚柳 Xie Zhiliu 谢稚柳 Tang Yin 唐寅 Pu Ru 愛新覺羅 溥儒 Pu Xinyu 溥心畬 愛新覺羅溥佐 Aisin Gioro Pu Zuo 趙少昂 Zhao Shao’Ang 赵少昂 關山月 Guan Shanyue 关山月 黃君璧 Huang Junbi 黄君璧 何海霞 He Haixia 何海霞 高逸鴻 Gao Yihong 高逸鸿 顏伯龍 Yan Bolong 颜伯龙 唐雲 Tang Yun 唐云 豐子愷 Feng Zikai 丰子恺 田世光 Tian Shiguang 田世光 袁松年 Yuan Songnian 袁松年 高奇峰 Gao Qifeng 高奇峰 陳之佛 Chen Zhifo 陈之佛 陳半丁 Chen Banding 陈半丁 馮超然 Feng Chaoran 冯超然 鄭板橋 Zheng Banqiao 郑板桥 Xi Shi Diao Chan Yang Guifei Wang Zhaojun Top Beauties Ancient Modern history 西施 貂蟬 楊貴妃 王昭君 古代 美女 羊脂白玉 Mutton Fat White Jade 紅玉 Red 黃玉 Yellow 龍鳳呈祥珮 Dragon and Phoenix Pendant 龍形珮 Dragon Pendant 勾連雲紋 Linking Clouds 榖紋 Grain Totem 羊紋 Sheep Totem 玉琮 Cong 玉璧 Bi 巧雕 坐姿 雙峯 駱駝 Coincident Carved Sitting Double-humped Camel Taiwan Web Museum 台灣網路藝術美術博物館 台湾网络艺术美术博物馆 taiwanwebmuseum blogspot orionwebmuseum com orionandhsu orion hsu 台灣 Taiwan 台湾 Web 博物館 Museum 博物馆 免費 Free 免费 展覽 Exhibition 展览 網路 Internet 互联网 世界 World 世界 網站 Site 网站 中國 China 中国 藝術家 Artist 艺术家 藝術 Art 艺术 畫家 Painter 画家 拍賣 Auction 拍卖 Revenue 收入 2011  Rank List 列名 總收益 总收益 書法 畫家 Painter 画家 名畫 famous painting 名画 work 作品 address 网址 http Andy Warhol 安迪 沃霍尔 美金 Pablo Picasso 巴勃罗 毕加索 星雲 佛 Buddhist Master Qatar Antique 古董 來源 真 關鍵 台北 卡達 香港 Hong Kong 北京 Beijing 倫敦 London 佳士得 蘇富比 保利 Photo Dealer Gallery Sale Investment Beauty US UK USD Treasure Fortune Money Asian Culture Chinese Job Taipei Picasa Google Yahoo FB Facebook Flickr Twitter Wikipedia News TV Album Gmail Christie Sotheby Bonham Heritage Artprice Poly Image Actress Model Newspaper Information People Magazine Movie Star Hollywood Hot Top Pretty Sports Beautiful Pop Apple Jade Jewelry Picture Photograph New Agent Nice Shop Mail UK USA Oil Sculpture Girl Superb Rare Service Sell Catalog Ceramic Archaic Link Map View Feature Account Copy Print Auctioneer House Center Exposition Best Post Calligraphy Finance Financial Bank Spring Summer Fair Show Year Lady Furniture Tang Sung Yuan Ming Qing Shang Bronze Stone Face Good Funds Foundation Gates Fund Owner CEO Founder President Prime Minister Corp Company King Arab Prince Dubai Abu Dhabi UAE Official Carved Porcelain Archaic Xing Yun Mt. Fo Guang University Origin Authenticity Abstract Sculpture Dynasty Year Tag

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